The day I said 'I do'

NUVU Photography

Today is my birthday. Despite overcoming the tail end of flu and being riddled with guilt for missing another event I organised through work, it has been a great day: the Funny Boy and Parsnip woke me with breakfast in bed and array of generous gifts.As today marks my 29th birthday I am now on a tight schedule to complete Project 30. In all honesty I had hoped to have ticked a few more off the list by now but I am confident (and excited) to see where it takes me. Here is an update of how it is going so far:

1. Take in the Northern Lights

2. Ride a Motorbike

3. Plan an A to Z Roadtrip i.e. Visit Anstruther, go to the Beach, play Cricket

4. Complete the 30 day photo challenge Check

5. Learn a new skill: juggling In progress

6. Try scuba diving

7. Appear on TV

8. Enjoy an authentic breakfast in New York City

9. Watch Sunrise & Sunset in the same spot

10. Get a tattoo with my Mum Check

11. Fundraise for Maggie’s and Cancer Research UK Ongoing

12. Complete another Marathon

13. Plan a camping holiday with the Funny Boy and Parsnip

14. Get something I have written published

15. Plant a tree and visit it from time to time

16. Write 30 letters to 30 people

17. Scare myself by jumping out of a plane aka skydive!

18. Try a new sport (suggestions welcome)  Try THIRTY new sports

19. Send a message in a bottle

20. Say “I do” in front of my friends and family Check - see below!

21. Buy my first home

22. Read Shakespeare In Progress

23. Meet an exotic animal in its natural habitat Check 

24. Host a fancy dress themed party

25. Get a selfie with a celebrity

26. Go on a family holiday

27. Travel First Class

28. Bag a Munro

29. Complete another hockey season

30. Make a Project 30 Scrapbook

As I look back on my 28th year I have a accrued a number of highlights including an awesome hen party, unforgettable honeymoon and attending WSLA but the number one has to be the day I said 'I do'. Here is a snapshot of the best day of my life... so far!!

I look forward to the adventures, lessons and memories that lie ahead...

Bring on 29!#FUCancer and today #FUFlu


#FUCancer on the Radio

