

It's been a while since I wrote a blog at 2am but the badly behaved bowels are back and to make matters worse I am choked with the cold. I'm feeling suitably tired and the weather isn't helping. It's July and today I wore a jumper, jacket, boots and woolly hat to walk the dog. In the words of a true weegie 'the weather is minging' and my mood isn't much better.Everyone has low weeks. It appears this would be my turn for one.

It would be very easy for me to use this space to rave about Project 30 and share the reflections I have been gifted through this process but it would be dishonest of me to not share moments like today. Days where I simply feel overwhelmed, angry and out of control. I have an internal battle where my head is saying 'you should be over this by now! Get yourself together' and my heart is saying 'I just want to cry'. I feel compromised and allow myself to shed a tear. A tear for the life I once knew. A tear for the babies I'll never have. A tear for feeling misunderstood.

Being a huge TED fan I often turn to their creative productions for inspiration. This 3 minute video is my current favourite. I urge you to take the time to listen and think. If you find yourself having a low week then consider the message in Stacey's video. The Best Gift I Ever Survived



The day I said 'I do'


Project 30: Get a tattoo