

I have been neglecting my blog for six weeks. Every time I sit down to write something, my fingers hover over the keyboard nervously but I am struck with the same challenge of not knowing where to start. So as always I will focus telling the truth in hope that what I eventually compose makes sense.I had my 12 month check up at the start of September. The good news - no evidence of disease. The bad news - I have the pelvis of an 80 year old woman. Ok, so the doctor didn't quite put it like that, however that is how I feel. It constantly aches and there is nothing they can or will do - it just a case of rest and ibuprofen. Returning to hockey seems impossible and that is getting me down.I was selected for the Social Innovators Incubator Award to get FUCancer started. Fantastic news right? Well, it appears three hours at the end of a Monday is just too much for my tired body to handle and with a heavy heart, I made the difficult decision to put my FUCancer plans on hold.The Funny Boy and I have been looking at houses. Again, exciting news! Yet it comes with a decent portion of added stress.  Although everything seems to be headed in the right direction the long wait for completing missives seems to be taking a sweet age. That in itself is tiring.Then there is the infertility thing. That just makes me want to scream.With everything going on, I simply feel stressed and anxious. Even as I write this I can feel my chest tightening as though my lungs won't fully expand. On top of that - I feel guilty for feeling stressed. I am 13 months cancer free with the prospect of a new home to move in to. I should be feeling on top of the world. Yet, I am struggling to find enjoyment in my usual pastimes. Exercise now seems like a chore. Work has become a challenge. And even spending time with my friends gives me a feeling of dread. Why? I don't know. Furthermore, I appear to have lost the ability to make a decision. Whether it be plans for the weekend or even a choice of what to have for dinner - I find myself feeling irritable and opting to go without because it seems too difficult to choose. Despite being a morning person, the simple task of getting out of bed is becoming more strenuous leaving me exhausted most days. And when night-time does fall I lie in bed unable to fall asleep.The good news is I recognise this is abnormal and something I need help with. The bad news is I am impatient and frustrated. I have found myself returning to Maggie's and even my GP. Both of whom have been an enormous support. They have helped me realise this feeling is potentially a delayed reaction to the trauma of last year and in order to move on I need to start dealing with it. I am in a weird place where the last year has left me feeling stronger yet more vulnerable than ever. So there you have it - apologies for the bleak banter but it is an honest update!



7 things you learn when your best friend gets cancer


From one marathon to another...