Hats off to the NHS Lothian


As I approach the final two days of treatment I have already began thanking the friendly faces who have been responsible in getting me through this journey:Thank you to Louise, Louise and all the staff at Ward 1. Chemotherapy is a scary word but the team at Ward 1 have created a calm and welcoming environment making it a friendly place.To the radiotherapy ladies at LA4 aka Top Team! Susan, Wendy, Laura, Kelsey, Alison and Smaira. Thank you for being so friendly and showing a genuine interest in all aspects of my life. From bowel movements, to engagement plans and the baton relay. Like a true friend you have listened to all my mornings and groanings over the past six weeks and even provided chocolate! I will miss my daily visits!Huge thank you to Dr Stillie, Dr Zara, Lindsay and Louise for planning and explaining my treatment. Thank you for allowing my front runners to attend the meetings and ask endless questions!Special thank you to Julie and Emily for calming my nerves and constantly reassuring me. You have made a horrible situation bearable for me and my family. You have such a lovely manner and you really do a fantastic job!Finally, a heartfelt thanks to Hilary Brown and Graeme Walker. You have been a constant source of advice when needed. I am in awe of the work you do and how you do it. You are superheroes in my eyes!I feel very lucky to have had the support and expertise of all of the staff mentioned above in addition to staff at Ward 2, 4 and 6. I have been continually overwhelmed at the caring manner in which I have been treated at the Royal Infirmary and Western General. The NHS often receives negative press but I would like to challenge this and say the treatment I have received since diagnosis has been second to none. It has been a very challenging time for me and my family but thanks to the people mentioned we have been filled with optimism. From the bottom of my heart and on behalf of my family - thank you!



The End of the Beginning


The Difference a Day Makes